The total fuel turnover decreased by 2.8% in the period from January to October 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. A well-known trend that continues, but now also with a decrease in sales of gasoline *. If you recognize this trend, it is important to find out what caused this decrease. The various causes that are the foundation of this decrease, all require a different approach. Do you know whether it is decreasing because there are simply fewer customers, customers come less frequently or do they refuel less on average per transaction?

It is of course possible that the number of customers does not decrease, but that customers come to refuel at a different frequency or that they refuel less each time. Both scenarios may have to do with the more efficient driving of existing cars. Because the continuous flow of clients at the station, it may be wise to consider cross-selling campaigns instead of campaigns that increase the number of customers. For example, increasing the conversion from the forecourt to the car wash is a proven solution to enhance the spending amount.

Customer identification

To make this analysis, it is important to identify individual customers. Today we know little about our customers who do not identify themselves with a loyalty card. Focusing solely on this group makes you ignore a large group that has a lot of potential. Fortunately, petrol retailers have a big advantage over traditional retailers to get an immediate view of this. All refuelling customers have the loyalty card in front of the car; the license plate.

Always the right analysis

With the Customer Intelligence solution BigBrother offers the ultimate tool to gain this insight. Smart software digitizes the license plates of all refuelling customers. With this information various analyses can be made automatically based on this data. This gives you direct insight into the number of unique customers, the frequency pattern of your customers and the average liter per transaction. Customer Intelligence divides these customers into three different groups: loyal customers, well-known customers and new customers. This segmentation ensures that you not only have insight into your number of transactions and volume for each unique customers, but it also allows you to know how your customer base is structured. A station with many passers-by (new customers) needs a different approach than a station with many loyal customers. Customer Intelligence offers you more sales opportunities through this customer knowledge.

Next step

The valuable information from Customer Intelligence forms the basis for the next step and offers opportunities for personal promotions, incentives & advertisements. Because the customer is already recognized at the time of refuelling, various actions can be deployed through Customer Intelligence. Think of displaying a specific advertisement on the screen at the pump or printing a discount voucher at the cash register based on the purchasing behaviour. Automating this process not only ensures an optimization of the sales process but also a significant higher conversion because the promotions are personalized. The heart of this solution PumpWatch is the world’s smartest data-driven camera system in the fuel market. In addition to the most inviting and practical interface, PumpWatch offers countless custom expansion options, including Customer Intelligence. PumpWatch not only helps you to control and maintain your business, it helps you grow!


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